Cold air mass
- 冷气团

Taiwan is currently enveloped in the cold air mass with temperatures continually dropping as expected .
Under this condition , there forms a sharp temperature contrast belt between the cold air mass of Meiyu region and the relative warm air mass of the north land .
If the cold air mass is not so strong , its invasion into the center part of a wintertime tropical cyclone strengthens the tropical cyclones .
After landfall , when vapor transportation is reduced and low troposphere is invaded by cold air mass , it normally results in inactive waves and intensity weakening .
But rapeseed planting is facing many risks in Hubei . Such as weather is changeable , cold and warm air mass change frequently . Fatal low temperature , flood , arid , and tornado often appeared , etc * Rapeseed is a very important technical crop in winter .
The major controlling influence is the inflow of a cold , dry , air mass .